72 listings found. Showing results 21 to 40
1969 Concorde 4d. MISSING PHOSPHOR. Cylinder block of six. SG 784y

1969 Concorde 4d MISSING PHOSPHOR. UM lower right cylinder block of six. SG 784y



1969 Concorde. Set of 3 values MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 784-786y

1969 Concorde unmounted mint set of 3 values MISSING PHOSPHOR.



1969 Investiture 5d. MISSING PHOSPHOR Cylinder block. SG 802/04y.

1969 Investiture 5d unmounted mint cylinder block MISING PHOSPHOR



1970 Cottages. 9d Traffic light block of eight MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 816y

1970 Cottages unmounted mint 9d MISSING PHOSPHIOR in unmounted mint traffic light block of eight.



1970 Cottages. 1/6 Traffic light block of eight MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 818y

1970 Cottages unmounted mint 1/6 MISSING PHOSPHIOR in unmounted mint traffic light block of eight.



1968 Christmas. 4d THRISSELL printing MISSING PHOSPHOR. Cylinder block. SG 775y var.

1968 Christmas 4d "THRISSELL" printing MISSING PHOSPHOR Cylinder block of six.



1968 Paintings. Set of 4 values MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 771y-774y.

Unmounted mint set of 4 values MISSING PHOSPHOR



1968 Bridges 1/6 MISSING PHOSPHOR Cylinder single.. SG 765y.

Unmounted mint cylinder single MISSING PHOSPHOR



1970 Christmas 1/6 MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 840y. Cylinder block of six.

Fine unmounted mint cylinder block of six. 1970 Christmas 1/6 MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 840y



1968 Bridges 1/6. MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 765y

1968 Bridges 1/6. MISSING PHOSPHOR. UM single SG 765y



1970 Christmas 1/6 MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 840y

1970 Christmas 1/6 MISSING PHOSPHOR. UM single. SG 840y



1970 Christmas 5d MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 839y

1970 Christmas 5d MISSING PHOSPHOR. UM single. SG 839y



1970 Philympia 9d MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 836y

1970 Philympia 9d MISSING PHOSPHOR. UM single. SG 836y



1970 Philympia 5d MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 835y

1970 Philympia 5d MISSING PHOSPHOR. UM single. SG 835y



1970 Commonwealth Games 1/6 MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 833y

1970 Commonwealth Games 1/6 MISSING PHOSPHOR. UM single. SG 833y



1970 Literary Anniversaries 1/6 MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 828y

1970 Literary Anniversaries 1/6 MISSING PHOSPHOR. UM single. SG 828y



1970 General Anniversaries 1/9 MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 823y

1970 General Anniversaries 1/9 MISSING PHOSPHOR. UM single. SG 823y



1970 General Anniversaries 1/6 MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 822y

1970 General Anniversaries 1/6 MISSING PHOSPHOR. UM single. SG 822y



1970 General Anniversaries 1/- MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 821y

1970 General Anniversaries 1/- MISSING PHOSPHOR. UM single. SG 821y



1970 General Anniversaries 9d MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 820y

1970 General Anniversaries 9d  MISSING PHOSPHOR. UM single. SG 820y
