25 listings found. Showing results 21 to 25
1970 Philympia 5d. SHIFT OF GREY BLACK to right. SG 835 var

Fine unmounted mint single with SHIFT OF GREY BLACK to right ( 3 margin 1d Black) such that margin of 1d Black now overlaps light brown background. Illustrated and suppli...



1994 Channel Tunnel 41p. MULTIPLE COLOUR SHIFTS plus PERF SHIFT. SG 1822/23 var.

Unmounted mint marginal se-tenant pair with multiple colours (bright orange, scarlet, new blue and emerald) shifted left to varying degree with bright orange being most e...



1967 Paintings 9d. SHIFT OF BLACK to right. SG 749 var

Fine unmounted mint single with large SHIFT OF BLACK to right. Results in trasposition of Queen's head and value. Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.



1966 Birds (phos). UM se-tenant block with SHIFT OF REDDISH BROWN. SG 698/99p var

Unmounted mint unfolded marginal se-tenant block of four with large and very visual SHIFT OF REDDISH BROWN upwards to left (Robin's wings and legs, Balackbird&am...



1972 Churches 3p. EMERALD GREEN SHIFT. SG 904 var.

Unmounted mint lower marginal single with very visual 4½mm SHIFT OF EMERALD GREEN to left. Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.
