About Ian Lasok-Smith (Philatelist)

My newsletter "Great Britain Specialist Stamps"  not only provides updates to my websites covering all aspects of GB Philately but also provides an archive of articles relating to aspects of Great Britain Postage Stamps and related material.

Subscribe to Great Britain Specialist Stamps
PLEASE NOTE:  Through July - September 2024 I am undertaking a reorganisation of my portfolio of websites. As a consequence a large volume of stock is currently offline. All items listed and visible on the sites should be available. There is a little but not a great deal of overlap of some items between sites

Great Britain Philately

can be found at:  GBPhilately.co.uk  and  GBSpecialistStamps.co.uk

This is my  retail site covering Errors and Varieties on QEII Commemorative issues including Missing Colours, Imperforates, major Colour Shifts and Perforation Shifts. Comprehensive listings of Inverted Watermarks, Missing Phosphor and Missing Embossing errors, Phosphor Band Shift varieties and major miscellaneous printing errors and varieties.

Professional Memberships 

I am a full member of the Philatelic Traders Society (PTS). Membership No. 5904

I am a full member of the Internet Philatelic Dealers Association. Membership No. 219

Society Memberships:

Great Britain Philatelic Society

Modern British Philatelic Circle

The Postal Stationery Society

Forces Postal History Society

Other websites owned and operated by Ian Lasok-Smith (Philatelist)

Machin & Wilding Stamps

can be found at  MachinStamps.co.uk,  WildingStamps.co.uk, MachinandWildingStamps.co.uk

Machin & Wilding Stamps is one of  the "portfolio" of websites owned and operated by Ian Lasok-Smith (Philatelist). These websites cover all aspects of Great Britain and Commonwealth Philately. Each site having a slightly different emphasis.

This site has been created to appeal to the specialist and discerning collector of QEII definitive and high value stamps.

The emphasis of the site is to cover:

- selected specialised single stamps and multiples with reference to better / scarcer combinations of papers/gum/phosphor/head types/value type......

-selected specialised  sheet / booklet / coil  listings

-selected specialised booklet listings

-selected specialised regional stamp issues

- significant errors and varieties; missing phosphor, phosphor band shifts, imperforates.

The period covered is from the first Wilding definitive issues up until the advent of self adhesive issues which are not covered on this site.

Further aspects of these definitive issues not covered on this site including specialist listings of covers, postal stationery, postal history, postmarks and a range of other related material may,  when available,  be found on two of my other retail websites:

ElizabethanStamps.co.uk  and GBandEmpireStamps.co.uk


found at ElizabethanStamps.co.uk

Elizabethan Stamps has been created to appeal to discerning  collectors of the postage stamps and related material from the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. The emphasis on Elizabethan Stamps will be the listing items of interest to the more specialist collectors of the era although a large selection of very competitively priced less specialised material will also be offered (suited to those who use Gibbon's Concise Catalogue}, the more unusual and interesting stamps and related material will feature. 

These listings are suited to those use the Gibbon's Specialised Volumes 3 & 5 and the Stoneham Great Britain Stamp Catalogue (and for those who are familiar with it the "Woodstock" Catalogue of British Elizabethan Stamps), Collect British Postal Stationery by Huggins & Baker.

Queen Victoria, Edward VII to George VI

can be found at:  VictoriaStamps.co.uk  and GBKingsStamps.co.uk

This site offers finer and interesting item from the pre stamp era through to George VI.  All aspects of Stamps, booklets and related material including Covers, Postal Stationery, Postal History and Postmarks is covered. Suited to those who use the Gibbon's Specialist Volumes 1 & 2,  Collect British Postal Stationery by Huggins & Baker and other Specialist works that cover the wiude range of material from this period.

Commonwealth and Empire Stamps

found at EmpireStamps.co.uk

This site has been created to cover the period and regions detailed in the Gibbon's Commonwealth and British Empire Catalogue and other specialist works that deal with the same period and regions. As such the category designations  are influenced by the listings in this Stanley Gibbon's flagship catalogue. In addition to the stamps, Covers, Postal Stationery, Postal History and Postmarks of the period are included.

GB and Empire Stamps incorporating World Specialist Stamps

can be found at  GBandEmpireStamps.co.uk  and WorldSpecialistStamps.co.uk

This site covers British Commonwealth stamps and related material from 1970.  The category listings are modelled on the listings in Gibbon's specialist Commonwealth catalogues and deals with issues not covered by Gibbons Commonwealth & British Empire Catalogue ("Part 1"), and which can be found on my EmpireStamps.co.uk website. In addition there are selected items from Europe and Rest of the World and Great Britain issues including items and related material not found on my other specialist GB websites.