1969 Christmas 5d. MISSING GREEN. SG 813d
Unmounted mint single with MISSING GREEN. Results in border and middle shepherd's tunic appearing dull yellow instead of green. Illustrated with normal at right.
1973 Christmas 3½p (PVAD gum) MISSING SALMON PINK. SG 948c.
Fine unmounted mint single MISSINMG SALMON PINK ( Skin colours, faces, hands) Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.
1973 Christmas 3½p (PVA gum) MISSING BRIGHT ROSE RED. SG 948g.
Unmounted mint single MISSING BRIGHT ROSE RED ( KIng's robe) Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.
1969 Anniversaries 1/6. MISSING BLACK. SG 794e
Ummounted mint single MISSING BLACK (Belgian and German flags). Scarcer than catalgue value would suggest.
1968 Bridges 1/6 MISSING GOLD. SG 765a.
Fine unmounted mint single MISSING GOLD (Queen's head). Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.
1998 Christmas. Error "13p value" instead of 14p. SG 1414a
One of just 10 unmounted mint examples recorded. 13p Error of value. Illustrated and supplied with normal 14p value.
1970 Anniversaries 9d. MISSING OCHRE. SG 820a
Unmounted mint single MISSING OCHRE (bed sheet, table, crutches). Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.
1990 RSPCA 34p. MISSING SILVER. Gutter Pair SG 1481a
Unmounted mint folded gutter pair MISSING SILVER (value, Quuen's head).
2003 Crossword Cartoon Post Office Label Sheet. MISSING PHOSPHOR.
Unmounted mint half sheet. Extremely rare with just 5 complete sheets found with Phosphor Bands Omitted. Each sheet containing 2 x 10 different labels. Therefore only 1...
1970 Christmas 1/6. MISSING OCHRE. SG 840b
UM single MISSING OCHRE. Affects background detailing and loss of colour from chalices and Mary's blouse. As illustrated. Supplied with normal at right.
1979 Rowland Hill Miniature Sheet. MISSING GOLD SG MS1099c
Pristine unmounted mint sheet with MISSING GOLD (Queen's head) from all values. For the specialist this sheet is from position 9 of the printers sheet as plate...
1994 Channel Tunnel 41p. MULTIPLE COLOUR SHIFTS plus PERF SHIFT positional blockSG 1822/23 var.
Unmounted mint lower right corner block with multiple colours (bright orange, scarlet, new blue and emerald) shifted left to varying degree with bright orange being most ...
1973 Christmas 3½p (PVAD gum). SHIFT OF RED BROWN to right. SG 948 var
Fine unmounted mint single with attractive shift to right of red brown colour. Shift results in effect on multiple elements across design (tunic of figure at left and sti...
1995 Communications 25p. MISSING SILVER. SG 1888a.
Unmounted mint single MISSING SILVER (value, Quuen's head). Illustrated and supplied with normal at right.
2000 64p Water & Coast MISSING PHOSPHOR. SG 2137a
Only 67 examples of the 2000 64p Water & Coast known to exist with error MISSING PHOSPHOR. This a fine unmounted mint marginal example.
1974 Fire Service 5½p MISSING ALL OVER PHOSPHOR. Cylinder block. SG 951 var
1974 Fire Service 5½p MISSING ALL OVER PHOSPHOR. Unmounted mint cylinder block of six. SG 951 var. Stoneham C362a var.
1968 Christmas. 4d THRISSELL printing MISSING PHOSPHOR. Marginal single. SG 775y var.
1968 Christmas 4d "THRISSELL" printing MISSING PHOSPHOR defining right marginal single with extension hole in right margin. REMBRANDT printings have imperforate...